Fix Your Bat
Bat Repair

Minor cracks are cracks which are less than 2 inches which are not that critical for the bats. These are caused due to wear and tear of the bats. Majorly face cracks are the one which are encountered in minor cracks/ splits.
- For any Minor crack the particular area is cleaned by us using sanding machine, surrounding area is thoroughly checked to find if there are any more adjacent cracks.
- Thereafter all cracks are opened and special wooden glue is filled in the cracks making sure there is no air between the cracks.
- The cracks are then covered with an air proof Plastic tape & the cracks are clamped and sealed from all direction making sure that the cracks take their place firmly.
- Depending on the depth of the crack it is than kept for drying between 12-24 hrs.
- Thereafter we remove the air proof tape and the clamp and sand the area making sure that the cracks are sealed.
- Bats are than tried and tested at our Z-bat clinic making sure it is ready for use.
- Only if required we do threading and taping of the crack.
- Our main motive is to keep the same balance and weight of the bat after the BAT is repaired.

Major cracks are the cracks which are more than 2 inches and they are also deep, which are normally critical for the bat.
There are many reasons for such cracks or spits:
- These cracks are normally caused due to the quality of ball
- Wrong shot selection
- Physical damages or tempering to the BAT
Shoulder cracks, Edge cracks and toe cracks are encountered in major cracks/ splits.
- Major cracks/Splits are critical and need to be handled carefully.
- The particular area is cleaned using sanding machine also the surrounding area is thoroughly checked to find if there are any more cracks and to know the depth of the major crack.
- Thereafter all cracks are opened and special wooden glue is filled in the cracks making sure there is no air between the cracks.
- The cracks are then covered with an air proof Plastic tape & the cracks are clamped and sealed from all direction making sure that the cracks take their place firmly.
- If the crack is too deep we use wooden nails which will give more strength and stability to the cracks/Split, which is than kept for drying between 12-24 hrs. Thereafter we remove the air proof tape and the clamp and sand the area and remove the additional nail making sure that the crack is sealed.
- It is tried and tested at our Z-bat clinic making sure it is ready for use.
- Only if required we do threading and taping of the crack.
- Our main motive is to keep the same balance and weight of the bat after the BAT is Repaired.

For English Willow Bat – Rs.1499/-
There can be two types of issues with remanding
Detachment of the handle from the main cricket bat
- Here the process is very simple a new cricket bat handle is replaced with the old cracked/detached handle with the use of our latest machinery.
Gripping area of the handle
- The grip of the each handle is threaded to keep the cane of the handle together there can be 3 or 5 ply handles in the market.
- If there is any crack or loosening of the threading, you may get more flexibility in the handle which may result in improper shot.
- We remove the threading of the handle to check the stiffness of the handle.
- If any ply is loosened or any crack is found, it sealed by special wooden glue.
- Which is then covered with air proof tape and is than clamped and then kept for drying
- There after we re-thread the handle and sometime double threading is done to the handle to get the required stiffness of the handle as requested by the customer.
- This is time consuming and critical process.

Normally in any cricket bat depending on the design and the balance of the bat the weight reduction can be done from 25grams -90grams (Wood weight).
- Weight can be reduced only from the back side of the bat.
- If any stickers at the backside we need to remove it with hot air gun after which we clean the gum/adhesive of the sticker from the wood of the bat.
- For the weight reduction of the bat we use machines to make sure that balance and the evenness of the bat is maintained even after the weight is reduced.
- The traditional way of reduction is to peal of the wood from the back side of the bat by Block Plane (Randha a carpentry tool) uniformity of which depends the ability of the carpenter to maintain the balance of the bat.
- In our case we use only machines which remove minute particles of the wood evenly from backside making sure that the balance and evenness is not hampered who ever may be the operator.
- Our method is more time consuming because we do not peel large amount of wood at one time instead it is a process of 7 days where every day the machine is used on the bat and each day the weight and the balance is taken into consideration by our bat experts.
- We do not guarantee the exact weight in the start and approximation is given.
- Once we start the weight reduction we understand the possibility of weight reduction and accordingly we reduce the weight making sure that the stroke and the balance of the bat is maintained.

Makeover of your bat
- Clean your bat :- All the stickers, adhesive, anti scuff sheet, threading is removed and the bat is cleaned from all sides
- Fix the cracks :- We fix all the minor cracks & major cracks but we do not replace the handle.
- Varnishing/oiling of the bat :- Once all the cracks have been filled and ready to play, we make sure that the bat has a needed moisture level for long life of the bat. Hence we oil the bat with our bat wax. Our bat wax contain required amount of linseed oil and wax which gets soaked by cricket bat making sure that the moisture level is maintained.
- Polishing of the bat :- After Varnishing the bat is polished to get the shinny look of the bat. The coat of the wax on bat will not let the outside moisture enter the bat. Maintaining the Moisture level of the BAT

1 Side – Rs.199/-
2 Side - Rs. 299/-
We generally do Personalized marking on the edge of the bat .We remove Part of edge tape for the personalized marking to be imprinted perfectly on the bat .Personalized marking can be anything in alpha numerical .(Your name, nickname, lucky number etc). We outsource this service.

- Our Anti Scuff Sheet is Premium Quality and it's Imported.
- Our Anti Scuff Sheet is not too thick to increase the Weight of the BAT
- Anti Scuff Sheet is recommended only on older bats with many face cracks.
- We clean the full face and edge of the bat with Sanding Machine
- Then slowly apply the anti scuff sheet on our bat making sure that there is no air bubble.

- Our grips are approximate 45grm of weight.
- Our grip will have z bat logo embossed on it.
- The design of the grip is cylindrical which is most preferred by elite cricketers and local players.
- We use the manual grip cone to put a grip on the bat handle.
- If a customer requires two grips on the bat older grip goes inside and is taped properly and than new grip is applied on the older one which is also taped at the shoulder.
- We only use steel grip electrical taping to tape the grip at the shoulder of the bat.

- We do only manual knocking.
- We do not encourage machine base knocking.
- We take approximate 7 days to knock a bat.
- Firstly we knock the bat with mallet hammer to knock the edge and the face of the bat which is done for 3-4 days approximate 2000-2500 knocking with mallet hammer.
- We than take the bat and knock the bat with hanging season ball which is done for a day or two approximate 700-1000 knocking.
- Lastly we also do throw down knocking at our Z-Bat Clinic.
Note –Knocking is done mainly for the centre of the bat and top and bottom of the bat is knocked but cannot be compared to the centre of the bat.

We are the only one to make bat wax in India
Varnishing/oiling of the bat
- Once all the cracks have been filled and are ready to play we make sure that the bat has a needed moisture level for long life of the bat.
- Hence we oil the bat with our bat wax.
- Our bat wax includes a mixture of linseed oil and wax which gets soaked by cricket bat making sure that the moisture level is maintained.
Polishing of the bat
- After Varnishing the bat is polished to get the shinny look of the bat. The coat of the wax on bat will not let the outside moisture enter the bat. Maintaining the Moisture level of the BAT

- Edge Tape is Very important.
- Each Bat is recommended to have an Edge tape which protects the Edge of the bat mainly against new balls.
- We clean the edge of the bat with Sanding Machine and then slowly apply the edge tape on our bat making sure that there is no air bubble.

- For stickering of the bat we remove the older sticker and adhesive with Hot Air Gun
- We clean the area of the sticker with Sanding Machine.
- Customer can select different colour stickers depending on the options available at Z-BAT.
- Our stickers are made according to the ICC regulation. Our Sticker are premium Quality and once they are pasted on bat your Bat will get a New Look making you feel like a NEW BAT

- We do not recommend toe guard on any bat.
- If the customer yet wants the toe guard we do provide
- We clean the base of the bat by Sanding Machine
- We apply the special glue to the Base of the Bat
- We stick the Toe Guard to the Base of the Bat

- Z-bat is the only one who has a sanding PAD in the form of sponge which will help each and every cricketer to keep the bat clean and to maintain a long healthy life of the bat.
- The sander is specially selected with fine grit to make sure the smoothness of the bat is maintained or made better without hampering the weight of the bat.
- Sander has to be used on the wooden part of the bat to clean the bat and make it smoother and shinier.

- Z-bat is the only manufacture to provide bat wax in India.
- The bat wax is a mixture of wax and linseed oil.
- The proportionate of the linseed oil is as per the need of the cricket bat .With bat wax we assure that your bat will never be over oiled and also the moisture level content will be maintained.
How to use
- We need to apply bat wax to get a single coat with help of cotton cloth or hand and spread it equally on the wooden part of the bat leaving the sticker area.
- After using the bat for few nets/matches the bat may have dirt/ball mark.
- You can use the sander to clean the area and then apply the Z-bat wax again giving the bat protection from moisture & dew.
- Generally Twice a month use of sander and bat wax will ensure long life of cricket bat.